This short course will focus on geochemical processes in the primary and secondary environments and the practical application of modern geochemical methods that allow explorers to vector towards mineralization. There will be a mix of introductory and more advanced material demonstrating underlying principles and methods of sampling, geochemical analysis and data interpretation, based on illustrative case studies and using a variety of geochemical methods and approaches. We will look at techniques appropriate to regional and local scale exploration. There will be practical exercises examining soil geochemical data. The short course is being presented through the Association of Applied Geochemists and will feature leaders in the field of exploration geochemistry.
To be confirmed
David Cohen, Ravi Anand, Anita Andrew, Graham Carr, Ian Graham, & Neil Rutherford
R2400 (reg delegates) & R2900 (non-reg-delegates)
To book and pay, please use your existing registration log in (if you are already registered). New delegates can book using the registration form on the website (create your profile and register for the conference and then book your additional workshop)
David Cohen
David Cohen is head of the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of New South Wales, and a former President of the Association of Applied Geochemists. He has over 25 years’ research experience in exploration in Australia, Europe, Asia, the Middle East and North America. He is associate editor of the Journal of Geochemical Exploration and was the 2013 AusIMM visiting lecturer to New Zealand. |
Ravi Anand
Ravi Anand is a Chief Research Scientist in CSIRO and adjunct professor at Curtin Univ. He is a widely-published and international authority on weathering, regolith geology and geochemical exploration. He has pioneered aspects of the next frontier in geochemical exploration in deeply weathered terrains, including the role of biota in regolith forming processes, and has worked on most continents. He is a gold medal recipient from the Association of Applied geochemists. |
Anita Andrew
Anita Andrew was based in the minerals and petroleum divisions of CSIRO both as a research scientist and manager working in the development of new exploration technologies for some 20 years. She is a visiting professor at UNSW and is Editor-in-Chief of the Australian Journal of Earth Sciences. In 2004 she established Environmental Isotopes Pty Ltd a company that provides specialist stable isotope analytical and consulting services. |
Graham Carr
Graham Carr is a former Chief Scientist at CSIRO for the Division of Earth Science and Resource Engineering. In his research career he specialised in the application of Pb isotopes to mineral exploration in both the primary and weathered environments. He led or participated in five AMIRA projects and managed the CSIRO isotope consultancy SIROTOPE for two decades. He is a CSIRO Honorary Fellow and President of the Geological Society of Australia. |
Ian Graham
Ian Graham is a Senior Lecturer in earth sciences at UNSW, Sydney. His areas of research interests include ore deposit genesis, igneous petrology, geochronology, gem deposits, applied geochemistry and mineralogy, intraplate volcanism and LIP’s. He has worked on ore deposits throughout Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Laos, Greece and South Africa. He is the SW Pacific regional councillor of IAGOD and is an Associate Editor of Mineralogical Magazine. |
Neil Rutherford
Neil Rutherford is a geochemical consultant with over 40 years’ experience in mineral exploration, project management and ore body evaluation with specialist experience in precious and base metals, uranium. A recognised industry consultant and “in-house” workshop teaching and lecturer in geochemistry and a range of metal and non-metal mineral commodities and settings. Has worked extensively in Australia, Asia, the Pacific, Africa, Cyprus and the Middle East. |