Sediment-hosted ore deposits
Sediment-hosted ore deposits contain significant quantities of important commodities on Earth. Important examples include iron, manganese and lead-zinc ores in the Transvaal and Bushmanland Supergroups of South Africa; large-scale iron ore deposits in Western Australia, Brazil, India and central Africa; uranium in the Karoo Supergroup; heavy mineral deposits in coastal sands; and copper deposits in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia and the DRC, to name a few. Great debate still exists today around aspects of ore genesis of sediment-hosted ore deposits, for example the nature of metal enrichment in high grade iron-ores of the world as well as sedimentary depositional models for lower grade manganese deposits. Additionally, numerous exploration projects on sediment-hosted ore deposits which are still poorly constrained and understood are presently running in Africa, South America and Asia. This symposium will provide an opportunity for any research on sediment-hosted ore deposits, whether it is on the regional geology, ore characterization, genetic models, exploration or ore mineralogy, to be submitted for presentation. With the importance of this deposit type in southern Africa alone this symposium would be well-suited for a conference hosted in South Africa.
Bertus Smith and Harilaos Tsikos