Geological Engineering and Energy Facets
Energy is the prime need of society since dawn of civilization. The natural energy resources are vitally needed to serve the society for their progressive developments. The geological sciences play an important role in the exploration and identification of natural resources. Traditionally, the hydrocarbons are used to supplements the demand and supply. The limited reserves of natural hydrocarbons offer the search of some alternative options to fulfill the requirements of increasing population. To find these kinds of critical natural fuel, geological engineering is going to contribute to the search of alternative energy resources and their economics. The symposium is planned to cover the different aspects related to application of technical attributes of geology (geological engineering) to this problem. The symposium is planned to cover three basic details of energy facets and application of geological engineering for the benefits of society, in order to improve their economics and advance progress. The first part of the symposium will be fully devoted to the fundamentals of geological engineering and possibilities of their application. The second parts will emphasise the energy scenario and natural hydrocarbons, while the third part will be confined to the possible alternative sources of energy and their characteristics and the last part will be fully dedicated towards the application of geological engineering to energy security, recovery and prospecting for future needs. The symposium will invite abstracts related to all branches of geology with technical tunes, hydrocarbon exploration and extraction, alternative energy sources and their development.
Rajendra Kumar Dubey, Javid Ahmad Dar and Ravi Shankar