The Jurassic System: Timing and causes of major transitions in climate, ecology and biogeochemical cycles on land and in the oceans
The Jurassic is a period marked from the onset by significant and extreme environmental perturbations, major tectonic activity and significant ecological and biotic disturbances. These disturbances have been associated with large igneous province volcanism, major bolide impact, continental break-up, opening and closing of ocean gateways, severe climatic change, marine and continental mass extinction, and major changes in global biogeochemical cycles.In this symposium we welcome topics associated with (1) understanding causal relationships between major and rapid internal and external forcing mechanisms in the earth system (e.g. LIP volcanism and bolide impact) and major transitions in ecology and biogeochemical cycles; (2) long-term evolution in continental and marine ecology as related to continental rifting and associated oceanographic change and (3) chronological constraints on the duration of Jurassic events, biozones and stages. We especially encourage contributions that integrate chemostratigraphy, geochronology, paleoecology, paleontology, astrochronology, stratigraphy and also modeling results, to improve our understanding of causes, impacts and timing of the major changes in the Earth system in the Jurassic.
isha Al Suwaidi, Stephen Hesselbo and Micha Ruhl